High school students explore 在线赌博推荐's offerings.

Take College Classes in High School!

在线赌博推荐为像你这样的高中生提供了一个独特的机会,在你还在高中的时候就可以参加补充大学课程. 这些课程学分可以转到四年制大学或计入在线赌博推荐的副学士学位.

In fact, some high school classes mirror courses that 在线赌博推荐 requires for our Liberal Arts associate degree! When these requirements overlap, 有机会优化你的高中课程负担,在在线赌博推荐的文科项目中获得学分——这减少了时间, 节省金钱, 并且让你可以自由地探索各种选择,而无需支付昂贵的4年大学学费.

For more information on any of these programs and how to get started, fill out the form at the bottom of this page. 你也可以联系Mark Bograd,高中外展协调员,电话:603-230-4029/(电子邮件保护)

Interest Form - High School Programs

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Transfer Academy: High School -> 在线赌博推荐 -> UNH

在线赌博推荐独特的转学学院为您提供从高中到在线赌博推荐再到UNH的途径. Starting as early as your sophomore and junior years, 你可以选择的课程,一旦申请到你的在线赌博推荐教育,也可能转移到你的 bachelor’s degree at UNH on its Durham campus. This translates into a savings of almost $16,000!

Early College at Your High School

这是参与高中和在线赌博推荐为10年级学生同时招生的合作伙伴关系, 11, 和12. 学生有机会在在线赌博推荐获得大学学分的同时获得高中毕业学分.

课程由合格的高中教师授课,这些教师具有与CCSNH兼职讲师相同的证书,并在正常的上课时间授课.  教师与在线赌博推荐的教员合作,使课程符合在线赌博推荐的要求.

This program allows you to:

  • 在在线赌博推荐获得大学学分,同时获得高中毕业学分.
  • Take courses during your normal school day.
  • Register for courses for a significant savings.
  • Take a college course to find out what it is like.

任何9-12年级的学生都可以在工程预科项目中注册高中学分的早期大学. 在线赌博推荐有25-30名在线赌博推荐教师合作伙伴,每年与30-35所高中和130多个不同的班级合作.


二年级学生、三年级学生和四年级学生最多可获得两笔资金 阀杆/ CTE courses per year through the Governor’s 阀杆/ CTE 奖学金基金.

Early College on a College Campus

参加在线赌博推荐校园的课程,可以享受50%的学费折扣!* There is no application to this program – it is open to any N.H. high school student. 在线赌博推荐平均每学期有50-60名早期大学学生参加在线赌博推荐课程.

This program allows you to:

  • Enroll in courses that are not available in high school.
  • Experience real college courses on a real college campus.
  • Explore career options in a major you may be considering.
  • Save time and money towards your degree!

这个程序可以让你完全沉浸在在线赌博推荐,包括访问支持服务, clubs and organizations, and all other opportunities except athletics and housing.


Early College Online

This is a dual-credit program that gives N.H. 高中学生有机会通过新罕布什尔州社区学院系统(CCSNH)学习100%的在线大学课程,同时获得高中和大学学分. 

This program allows you to:

  • Earn high school and college credit for the same online course.
  • Access your class anytime/anywhere to fit your busy schedule.
  • Learn from highly qualified CCSNH faculty.
  • Gain valuable experience with college coursework.
  • Transfer credits to many colleges and universities.
  • Save money – tuition is only $150 plus the cost of textbook.

For more information, contact Ed Symes at 603-717-5965 or email (电子邮件保护).

新: 在线赌博推荐 now offers an online dental assisting science course: ADED 110C Dental Assisting Science I. 任何对牙科辅助计划感兴趣的学生都可以参加本课程,作为高中学生的电子课程,当他们被在线赌博推荐牙科辅助计划录取时,可以转学. View the course here.


Project Lead the Way

Project Lead the Way (PLTW)通过完成高中课程中的一系列课程,帮助高中生探索工程或工程技术方面的大学课程和职业. 课程 include Introduction to Engineering Design, Digital Electronics, Principles of Engineering and Computer Integrated Manufacturing.

成功完成这些课程的学生可能有资格申请在线赌博推荐机械/制造工程技术专业的学分. PLTW是参与的高中和在线赌博推荐之间的并行招生合作伙伴关系.


思科学院是思科提供的一门课程,为中学和高等教育在线赌博推荐机构提供一种提供思科认证培训的方法. 自1999年以来,在线赌博推荐已获得思科授权,为思科认证网络助理培训计划提供培训.

For more information, fill out the form at the bottom of this page,或联系Mark Bograd,高中外展协调员,电话:603-230-4029/(电子邮件保护)

思科认证网络助理(CCNA)认证验证了安装的能力, 配置, 操作, and troubleshoot medium-size routed and switched networks, 包括实现和验证到广域网中远程站点的连接. CCNA curriculum includes basic mitigation of security threats, introduction to wireless networking concepts and terminology, and performance-based skills.

CCNA与路由器和交换机等网络设备一起构建局域网和广域网, which allow people to share information, 访问互联网,从房间的另一端或世界的另一端协同工作.

At 在线赌博推荐 you will be building LANs, 广域网, 无线网络与思科路由器和交换机,并连接各种终端用户设备,包括Windows客户端, 服务器, 打印机, web 服务器 and others. You will gain knowledge of networking protocols such as TCP/IP, WAN standards such as HDLC and PPP and routing protocols such as OSPF, RIPv2和EIGRP. 您还将实现第2层概念,如vlan和生成树协议.

如果您的目标是学习如何构建和维护中小型局域网和广域网,或者如果您目前在该领域工作并希望获得CCNA认证以进一步提高您的技能和职业生涯, this track is for you.

Benefits of CCNA Certification

CISCO certification validates achievement, 因此,它通过确保高标准的技术专长,提高了持证人的专业信誉.

A CCNA can do the following:

  • 在多协议局域网和广域网中安装和配置思科交换机和路由器
  • Provide Level 1 troubleshooting service
  • Improve network performance and security

Positions for a CCNA include:

  • Help desk engineer
  • 现场技术人员
  • Level 1 systems engineer

Program Highlights:

在线赌博推荐’s CISCO Lab is equipped with:

  • 100 +路由器
  • 100 +开关
  • 8 CISCO VoIP routers
  • 16 CISCO IP 电话s
  • Instructors are trained and certified through the 思科学院.
  • Small classes for more one-on-one instructor interaction.
  • 该计划通过使用多种媒体来提供内容,以适应不同的学习风格

注意: While this program requires no previous network experience, it is necessary to have basic computer skills, which includes basic PC operating system experience, email and Internet access and basic word processing skills.


Academic Center for Excellence

电话: 603-230-4027
工作时间:晚8点,晚8点.m.-7 p.m.